Not satisfied with your purchase from our website? Please check our RETURN POLICY for more information.
Do you have an issue with one of our products? It's rare, but it does happen from time to time. Simply follow these steps:
1. Contact the retailer where you bought the product(s). All claims and warranties must be processed through our recognized shops and retailers.
2. The shop will contact us with the details, and - if need be -, we will process a replacement.
3. If the shop does not answer you by email or phone after 3 working days, please contact us, and we will try to help work it out with the specific shop. Only customers with proof of purchase can be answered.
(Note: Warranty does not cover second-hand products.)
Do you want to know about releases and availability of products?
1. Contact your local or favorite online skate shop to find out about availability and release dates. We will also announce new products and release dates on our social media channels, so be sure to follow us.
Do you need advice on finding a well-fitting skate in the right size? We have you covered on our website:
1. Check out the Powerslide SKATE GUIDE first.
2. Check out the Powerslide YOUTUBE channel for videos and tips.
Contact us: Send us a message now.
We truly appreciate everyone who reaches out to us and we do our absolute best to respond promptly. We do receive lots of messages every day, so please have patience and give us some time to respond.